August 08, 2010
The Sweetest Tips
Have you ever used honey instead of sugar? Ever used it to ease a sore throat? What about rubbing it on your face? Most people use this age-old natural sweetener on a daily basis, but honey (or MIEL as we call it in French and Spanish) has more benefits than you might think.

First, we know honey is an alternative to white sugar (this is obvious at Starbucks: there are the sweeteners, the brown sugar, the white sugar, and the bottle of honey—which is best??). Everyone has their own opinion of which substance is the healthiest for a morning cup of Joe. Honey actually contains the same amount of sugar units as white cane sugar, and is calorie dense as well. Conversely, the glucose and fructose composition in honey is different compared to table sugar, and some studies have shown that the body processes honey more efficiently than its counterpart.
Calorie content aside, honey has many sweet secrets. It is nature’s anti-bacterial, and anti-fungal elixir. It can be applied to small wounds and mild burns, as it can prevent infection and absorb moisture. One word of caution: careful not to give honey to small children, since it contains some traces of botulinum spores that can be harmful to young kids.
Last, but certainly not least, honey has remarkable qualities that can be used in your daily beauty regimen. In Finland, many Arabic countries and in various other cultures, honey is applied to the skin directly in the sauna, spa, or bathhouse. Honey can even be used with your conditioner (or mixed with olive oil), for healthy and shiny hair.
Instead of buying artificial face masks, try Doctor Oz’s Honey Beauty Mask (This moisturizing mask draws out toxins and impurities to rejuvenate your skin.):
2 tbsp raw honey
1 tbsp French green clay or rose clay
2 drops lavender or rose otto essential oil (optional)
Water to thin as needed
Wash face and leave slightly damp. Apply mask all over face, avoiding the eye area. Leave on for 15 minutes. Rinse with warm water. Gently pat dry.
Remember, not all honey is equal. There are different varieties, and some honey has been more processed than other kinds. Always use 100% all natural honey. For more amazing tips about the benefits of honey, visit:

First, we know honey is an alternative to white sugar (this is obvious at Starbucks: there are the sweeteners, the brown sugar, the white sugar, and the bottle of honey—which is best??). Everyone has their own opinion of which substance is the healthiest for a morning cup of Joe. Honey actually contains the same amount of sugar units as white cane sugar, and is calorie dense as well. Conversely, the glucose and fructose composition in honey is different compared to table sugar, and some studies have shown that the body processes honey more efficiently than its counterpart.
Calorie content aside, honey has many sweet secrets. It is nature’s anti-bacterial, and anti-fungal elixir. It can be applied to small wounds and mild burns, as it can prevent infection and absorb moisture. One word of caution: careful not to give honey to small children, since it contains some traces of botulinum spores that can be harmful to young kids.
Last, but certainly not least, honey has remarkable qualities that can be used in your daily beauty regimen. In Finland, many Arabic countries and in various other cultures, honey is applied to the skin directly in the sauna, spa, or bathhouse. Honey can even be used with your conditioner (or mixed with olive oil), for healthy and shiny hair.
Instead of buying artificial face masks, try Doctor Oz’s Honey Beauty Mask (This moisturizing mask draws out toxins and impurities to rejuvenate your skin.):
2 tbsp raw honey
1 tbsp French green clay or rose clay
2 drops lavender or rose otto essential oil (optional)
Water to thin as needed
Wash face and leave slightly damp. Apply mask all over face, avoiding the eye area. Leave on for 15 minutes. Rinse with warm water. Gently pat dry.
Remember, not all honey is equal. There are different varieties, and some honey has been more processed than other kinds. Always use 100% all natural honey. For more amazing tips about the benefits of honey, visit: